Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chapter 6: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management


Digitalization of the business place creates massive amounts of data that must be properly managed to ensure efficiency. To do this, Information systems must be able to provide its users with accurate and timely information. This is why Data Management is so important. This chapter begins with an explanation of how computer systems organize data into a hierarchy. This hierarchy begins with a Bit, the smallest unit of data a computer can handle, and progresses to a Database, a group of related files.

The traditional data management style can make it difficult for companies to easily access data because of a tendency for functional systems and groups to be allowed to grow independently. The main problem with this system is data redundancy, inflexibility, poor security, and lack of availability. Enter the Database Management System (DBMS). This is software that permits an organization to centralize data, manage it efficiently, and provide access through application programs. The DBMS manages to accomplish this through the use of 3 capabilities. Data definition specifies the structure of the content of the database. Data dictionary capability automates the stored information about the data in the database. Data manipulation language, such as structured query language (SQL), is the specialized language for accessing and manipulating the data. 

Databases are not “one-size-fits-all” devices. Designing a database to fit an organizations needs is paramount to success. This requires both a logical and physical design. The logical aspect must reflect the business processes of the organization and meet the decision-making requirements. The physical aspect of its design illustrates how it is actually arranged on direct-access storage devices. As a whole, for a database to maintain efficiency, it must enforce referential integrity so the relationship between data tables remains consistent.

Navigating through the vast amounts of information in a database requires the use of powerful tools or software. One key tool is the Data Warehouse. A data warehouse consolidates current and historical data from different operational systems to a central database for analysis and decision-making. Another tool is Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). This enables the user to view the same data in different ways, using different dimensions such as price, cost, or time period.

Aside from managing database information, maintaining it requires policies and quality assurance checks for the sharing and use of gathered information. In most large corporations, a dedicated data administration department is responsible for information policy, protection, and enforcement. Inaccurate data creates serious implications for organizations that rely on this information for the day-to-day operation of their business. By conducting activities such as Data Cleansing, errors in data can be corrected and enforce industry-wide standards that prevent “bleed-over” into separate information systems. 

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